Demon Circle

Demon Circle
Authors: Aaron Rosenberg, Glenn Hauman, Michael Jan Friedman, Peter David, Robert Greenberger
Publisher: Crazy 8 Press
Publication Year: 2011

Athis, an apprentice wizard in the Crimson Keep, isn't the brightest flame in the candelabra. So when he and another apprentice named Belid summon a demon and then panic, trouble ensues—trouble that threatens to snowball wildly out of control. Will they and their fellow student Klaria be able to d...

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About the Book

Athis, an apprentice wizard in the Crimson Keep, isn’t the brightest flame in the candelabra. So when he and another apprentice named Belid summon a demon and then panic, trouble ensues—trouble that threatens to snowball wildly out of control. Will they and their fellow student Klaria be able to deal with the consequences before their master finds out? Will the Crimson Keep still be standing when it’s all over?

Demon Circle is an original novella from Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Bob Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Aaron Rosenberg, and Howard Weinstein, the writers behind the new author-driven publishing venture Crazy 8 Press. They wrote this story live at ShoreLeave33, and are donating all proceeds to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, which protects the First Amendment rights of comic book writers, artists, retailers, and fans.

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The professional website of author Aaron Rosenberg