
Here are various reviews on my work. If you see (or write) one that I’ve missed, let me know!

World of Warcraft Tides of Darkness:
“So far, imo, this is the best book of the warcraft series…but I can say that about most of them.
Except this one made me tear-up , and that always gets a huge 5+ stars from me. Great, Great book.”
—Cheri Edwards, Goodreads user

Star Trek S.C.E. The Riddled Post:
“The Riddled Post serves up a mystery – a more technical one, but a mystery nonetheless, with the same high standards I’ve come to expect with this series. Recommended reading!”
—Rich Meyer Goodreads Author

The Scattered Earth The Birth of the Dread Remora:
“This is a great book,,, one of the best I’ve read in a long time. I’ve found a new favorite author! “
—Helen, Goodreads User

“I just finished reading this book last night and I have to say; I devoured it. Read it in two days (if my husband would have let me I probably would have finished it in one.) It’s an easy read and a fast paced adventure that is going to leave you wondering what comes next in this series. The characters draw you in and have you rooting from them from the beginning, even when their actions are questionable. Can’t wait to read the second book.”
—Christine Steendam, Goodreads Author

Yeti Left Home:
“I did not expect to like this book as much as I did. It was a lot of fun to read. Paranormal aspects, drama, mystery, humor, life lessons, new friendships and the difficulty of trying to fit in. The story was a great read. Once I started it, I did not want to end.”
—Savilee Lind, Goodreads user

“Author Rosenberg has brought his wit and humor to bear on a universal struggle: finding a new home means fitting in. Communities in big cities can be more diverse than we might imagine, and this story traces Wiley’s ongoing struggle to learn what his new home needs from him. More than he might imagine, but he smiles through it all and makes new friends. Great pacing, unexpected characters, too. As someone who left an Oregon commune to settle in Manhattan, reinvention is something I know well. This book doesn’t disappoint!”
—Richard Sutton, Goodreads Author

“This is an amazing story about someone who doesn’t quite fit in anywhere. I feel like Wylie Kang sometimes. It’s really amazing how Aaron takes a character like Wylie and makes others realize that there is more that goes on around you that you aren’t really seeing. I can totally relate to Wylie when it comes to not knowing about other supernaturals and how they can only be seen by other supernaturals. I feel like I can only see certain things and no one else can. I am sure that if you read this book, you too will feel a connection to at least one of the characters. Wylie the Yeti and a few of his supernatural friends have me all up in my feelings. “
—Kirsten Berkebile, Goodreads user

“In this urban fantasy Yeti Left Home, Aaron has given the reader a paranormal thriller that is original and humorous. This light-hearted quirky tale will have you laughing at times. Aaron is a new author to me so obviously this is the first of his work I have read. How have I not come across him before? I really enjoyed it. It’s my kind of oddity, quirky and all that.
Yes, the Yeti Left Home is right up my alley. Aaron is a man after my own heart. It reminds me of lots of my favourite supernatural goodness TV series all rolled into one. There are too many to name them all but Sanctuary, Grimm, Haven, Warehouse 13 and I’ll even throw in Eureka to name a few with their oddness, strangeness and let’s not forget the quirkiness and bizarreness.
Wylie Kang isn’t your typical mystical beast. This Yeti loves nothing more than to chill at his cabin by a lake. When a hunter shows up in his neck of the woods Wylie runs and discovers a whole new world for himself and friendships. When Wylie comes across the hunter again in the Big City what will he do?
I hope to see more from Aaron. I will go check out other stories by him.” —Jenni Bishop, Goodreads User

No Small Bills:
“Aaron Rosenberg’s novel, his first as part of the Crazy 8 writing/publishing collective, is a lot of fun. It’s a fast-paced, antic romp through the weirder reaches of time and space. While I found it a bit episodic, enough of those episodes ended up being important to the overall story that I was able to forgive them. More importantly for a humor novel, it kept me laughing as I went along.
Rosenberg’s comic voice is relaxed and easy-going. The jokes flow naturally, as if the reader is listening to a genuinely funny storyteller, not someone deliberately trying to cram in jokes. Rosenberg cites Douglas Adams as an influence, and a lot of reviews seem to be picking up on that. I’m not entirely sure that’s the best comparison, although Adams is pretty much the easiest example to come up with as far as humorous science fiction. The tone of Rosenberg’s book reminded me more of movies like Men in Black or shows like Warehouse 13; funny, but not quite the playfulness of language that Adams uses. This isn’t meant as a criticism; Rosenberg has a hilarious voice of his own, and shouldn’t be stuck just being compared to Adams (because, really, who can compare to Douglas Adams and come out looking favorably?).”
—Andrew, Goodreads User

“Rosenberg demonstrates a wild imagination and clever storytelling in a book suitable for YA and adults alike.”
—Phil Giunta, Goodreads Author

Day of the Daemon:
I enjoyed the book and this author it’s one who knows what is doing. He sure understands the warhammer world. It’s a shame that he only wrote this trilogy. The first book he gives you an image of Ind. I think it’s one of the few books who talks about that place. This second book goes to the Border Princes. Few books go there. And the third book goes to the Grey Mountains and the magical forest of the wood elves. Few books go beyond the Empire in the Warhammer Fantasy repertoire…”
—Paulo “paper books only” Carvalho, Goodreads User

Pete and Penny’s Pizza Puzzles Case of the Secret Sauce:
“Yesterday I finished reading this book to my four year old son. We enjoyed it. Why? Multiple reasons. First, food is a topic my son loves! Second, there are illustrations at convenient intervals…which he needs now. Third, my son LOVES numbers so the various puzzles in the book were right up his alley. Fourth, this was an easy entry into suspense, mystery solving, etc… for a little boy. A chapter book with a small number of pages. So I think this is great to try as a read aloud. Making unusual voices for the various characters will really spice it up.”
—Christina, Goodreads User

Deadly Fortune:
“A fun, action packed and often light hearted story with sword fights and daring escapes. A great pirate tale with some twists”
—Steve Ruskin, Goodreads Author

“You might recognise the name Aaron Rosenberg from a number of tie-in novels for established fan favourites such as WarCraft, Star Trek and Warhammer, just to name a few but he’s also done plenty of original fiction and Incursion is one of them.
Incursion is a fantastic supernatural story that has plenty of action and mystery to keep me turning the pages. I’m also a person that really enjoys mythologies and found it extremely refreshing to learn so many Native American myths that I have never heard of before. Incursion reminds me of some of the best episodes of classic X-Files and definitely has me interested in the rest of the series.
Incursion is one of the first books in the shared-world series titled O.C.L.T. which stands for Orphic Crisis Logistical Taskforce and is the brainchild of David Niall Wilson and Aaron Rosenberg. There are actually a few novellas set before the events of Incursion but I had no trouble picking this story up as this book is mostly independent of the previous stories.
Our main character R.C. Hayes and his partner have been sent by the bureau to investigate a murder in the Flathead Indian Reservation. What makes this murder so different is that the victim has been killed with a well-placed arrow to his throat. As the pair looks further into the case, they discover that this is only the tip of the iceberg and more deaths are coming. Along the way R.C. is joined by a gorgeous and mysterious Spanish woman who seems to know what is really happening at the reservation. Can they put a stop to the events and restore peace to the reservation?
This isn’t the first time that R.C. has encountered the supernatural. When R.C. was serving in the military, there was an incident in Uppsala that wiped out all of his team except him. He couldn’t believe what he saw as none of it made sense. So it was really great to see R.C. transform from a sceptic to a believer through the course of this book. His cool-headedness is also a wonderful contrast to the gung-ho attitude of Isabella and the two of them make a superb team together.
Like I said before, I’m a sucker for mythologies and I really enjoyed how the different beings from Native American myths are brought to this story. Rosenberg did a great job linking various myths and the plot together to bring a satisfying end to this story.
Incursion is a fun and entertaining story. In the ending we finally get to see what the O.C.L.T. is and what it is that they do. This story is only a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that builds towards something bigger and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the O.C.L.T. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a good well-written supernatural story.”
—Ken Goodreads, Goodreads User

Flood: Race Against Time:
“A great book to encourage me to ask questions.
This is a gripping adventure story about a group of school kids that have some special gifts, which they use to help their community. We join in some nail biting situations that are filled with important educational information, and encourage us to ask ourselves what we would do in their positions.
There are wonderful questions and answers at the end of the book, that once again encourage participation from the reader, and there are loads of references that can be researched. A really great learning and fun reading book!”
—Rosie Nyx (aged 8 – with some help from her mother)” Elite Group on Goodreads

Focal Point:
“Really enjoyed the story and the reader. It’s a fun adventure story set in a country that is on the border øf Ùkráìņë and Russia, where a team that specializes in occult science is called to investigate strange going ons. As they they investigate, they begin to learn the truth behind the high IQs of the small country and the children there. Absolutely loved the reveal. It was a great short book to listen to on my commute”
—Sam Bledsoe, Goodreads User

The professional website of author Aaron Rosenberg