Tag Archives: Publications

2018 Recap

It’s been a little while since I updated this blog, so it seemed fitting to do that now, when I tend to look back over the year and what I’ve written and published. Here are the highlights:

  • I had three new novels come out this year, all of them original works and each from a different publisher–four, if you count the U.S. and UK editions of the third book separately (they were separate deals with separate publishers). The first book, Digging Deep, is the latest installment in the O.C.L.T. occult thriller series I created with David Niall Wilson over at Crossroad Press. The second, Not for Small Minds, is the fourth and final novel in my DuckBob Spinowitz SF comedy series–don’t worry, DuckBob will still turn up in short stories from time to time. And the third is Bones of Empire, the first book in the five-book Relicant Chronicles, an epic fantasy series I’m writing with Steven Savile. Needless to say, I’m excited to see all three of them out.
  • I had five short stories come out as well. Two of those were DuckBob stories (see, I told you he’d still be around!), for two different anthologies. One was a short story for an anthology series called Brave New Girls, which donates all its proceeds to a scholarship for girls going into math and science. One was a short story for an anthology based on the Masters of Orion video game, and the last one was for the Nisaba Journal and is a prequel to a novel I have coming out next year set in Green Ronin’s Mutants and Masterminds superhero setting.
  • I wrote somewhere around 220k this year. Which is definitely down from last year, but I lost about three months due to some stupid life-drama (don’t worry, everything’s fine now, I just couldn’t focus to write while it was going on). I’m not pleased about the total–I usually aim for 300k+–but given the circumstances I can live with it. I hope to do better next year, though.
  • I attended a bunch of conventions, most of them old favorites like GenCon, Origins, and ShoreLeave. At most of the shows I sold books, though a few like GenCon and PhilCon were just for doing panels and hanging out with friends.
  • I mapped out plans for a whole bunch of projects for next year, including more novels, more short stories, and even a few games. More on those as they come up.

I’d say it’s been a pretty good year, professionally. And there’s lots more to come, so I’m hoping for even bigger and better in 2019. I hope all of you had a good year as well, and I wish a Happy and Healthy New Year for us all.