
I was recently a guest on the G&T show, which we recorded at ShoreLeave 2015.

At GenCon 2015 I got to take part in the first-ever Once & Future Podcast LIVE MEGACAST!

During Origins 2013 myself and John Helfers were on the Speculate! podcast, talking about games, game fiction, and narrative in general.

In 2013 I spoke with again, this time about not only my writing but also about using fiction and gaming in education.

In 2011 I was on the SciFi Diner Podcast. That was fun!

In 2011 UnrealitySF interviewed me about the Eureka novels, the Dread Remora series, and other projects.

In 2010 I talked to about tie-in writing, children’s books, awards, and other things.

The professional website of author Aaron Rosenberg