
No one exists in a vacuum, not even a science fiction writer! I’m lucky to count other talented writers, artists, and game designers among my friends. Check them out—they’re all awesome!

Matt Forbeck
David Mack
Ilana C. Meyer
Steven Savile
Chuck Wendig
Gregory A. Wilson

Crazy 8 Press: This is an author collective, made up of myself and pals Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Russ Colchamiro, Paul Kupperberg, and Peter David.

Crossroad Press: Run by all-around great guy David Niall Wilson, this is the publisher of both my Dread Remora space-opera series and David’s and my O.C.L.T. occult thriller series.

Silence in the Library Publishing: The brainchild of Ron Garner, this great small press has published a lot of great anthologies I’m in, and will also be the home of my upcoming urban fantasy novel.

3 thoughts on “Friends”

  1. Hello Mr. Rosenberg,

    I am a big fan of the world of warcraft universe and have enjoyed reading the books greatly. I grew up with, first experiencing it when I was in grade school and still engaging with it as a graduate student. For a long time now I have wanted to come home after a stressful day and read your novel Tides of Darkness to escape for a little while (it s the only novel left I need to read within the universe). The problem is, I cannot seem to ever find a reasonably priced copy of the book that a student like me could afford. Perhaps it is out of print, but any new copies I find online are priced in the hundreds of dollars (even more considering I am a Canadian). I tried to find a good used copy but had to send it back as it was so badly beaten it just did not feel right. I take great pride in my books as they are some of the only things I really own. I also realize there are electronic copies/ebooks but having the book for myself is very important to me. I do not doubt the book is worth the prices it is listed for, and I would buy it in a heart beat if I was in a different position in my life, but as a student and someone who has been going through a string of unfortunate events for the past few years, I just cannot afford it. But I want to read it. I REALLY want to read it and I have from reviews and forums that it is a great read.

    I was wondering if you knew somewhere I could find the book for a normal price one would expect from a paper back novel. I would be very grateful if you were able to point me in a direction which would lead me to getting my hands on the book.

    I tried to be brief but still found myself rambling a bit, sorry for that. I hope all is well with you. Also, if you have no advice and the book is truly as elusive and I have known it to be, don’t worry about letting me down – I will read it one day.


  2. Your book, World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness, is not available to buy from amazon via the phone app / Kindle. It just says “not available.” And when I asked Amazon’s customer service, they basically blamed you and the publisher. And it’s up to the publisher of they want it on kindle. So I’m sure I’m not the only person who would liked to read it, but only if I can through my phone app. (I have disabilities I won’t go into.) Figured I’d I got a hold of you, the author, you might care enough to do something about that. And sorry if this isn’t the correct media to use, it was the only thing I could find to reach out.

  3. Thank you for reaching out! I wish there was something I could do, but unfortunately that is entirely in the hands of the publisher and for some reason they’ve chosen not to make the book available in that format. I keep hoping they will change their mind (there’s one other in the series that isn’t available in Kindle either). I’m sorry.

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