Category Archives: books

2018 Recap

It’s been a little while since I updated this blog, so it seemed fitting to do that now, when I tend to look back over the year and what I’ve written and published. Here are the highlights:

  • I had three new novels come out this year, all of them original works and each from a different publisher–four, if you count the U.S. and UK editions of the third book separately (they were separate deals with separate publishers). The first book, Digging Deep, is the latest installment in the O.C.L.T. occult thriller series I created with David Niall Wilson over at Crossroad Press. The second, Not for Small Minds, is the fourth and final novel in my DuckBob Spinowitz SF comedy series–don’t worry, DuckBob will still turn up in short stories from time to time. And the third is Bones of Empire, the first book in the five-book Relicant Chronicles, an epic fantasy series I’m writing with Steven Savile. Needless to say, I’m excited to see all three of them out.
  • I had five short stories come out as well. Two of those were DuckBob stories (see, I told you he’d still be around!), for two different anthologies. One was a short story for an anthology series called Brave New Girls, which donates all its proceeds to a scholarship for girls going into math and science. One was a short story for an anthology based on the Masters of Orion video game, and the last one was for the Nisaba Journal and is a prequel to a novel I have coming out next year set in Green Ronin’s Mutants and Masterminds superhero setting.
  • I wrote somewhere around 220k this year. Which is definitely down from last year, but I lost about three months due to some stupid life-drama (don’t worry, everything’s fine now, I just couldn’t focus to write while it was going on). I’m not pleased about the total–I usually aim for 300k+–but given the circumstances I can live with it. I hope to do better next year, though.
  • I attended a bunch of conventions, most of them old favorites like GenCon, Origins, and ShoreLeave. At most of the shows I sold books, though a few like GenCon and PhilCon were just for doing panels and hanging out with friends.
  • I mapped out plans for a whole bunch of projects for next year, including more novels, more short stories, and even a few games. More on those as they come up.

I’d say it’s been a pretty good year, professionally. And there’s lots more to come, so I’m hoping for even bigger and better in 2019. I hope all of you had a good year as well, and I wish a Happy and Healthy New Year for us all.

New books!

I’ve got stories in two books that are just out!

The Side of Evil

The first is The Side of Good/The Side of Evil, a flip-book–yes, an actual flip book! But not the kind with the little animations you flip at the upper corner, the kind that you read and then flip the whole book over and read from the other side, like the old Ace Doubles–about superheroes and supervillains. My story is called “The Shtick” and it’s about a supervillain who’s having a hard time finding his . . . idiom. 🙂 Technically this book isn’t out yet, because we’re launching it at PhilCon next weekend.

The second is Stargate: Points of Origin, a new anthology featuring stories from Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis. My story is “Kill Switch,” where the Atlantis Expedition finds a mysterious asteroid that’s a lot more dangerous than it seems.


Both were a lot of fun to write, in completely different ways. If you get a chance, check them out and let me know what you think!

It goes Sidewise!

I’m very excited about this–my short story “Let No Man Put Asunder,” which appears in the Europa Universalis IV: What If? anthology, has been nominated for a Sidewise Award! The Sidewise Awards for Alternate History began in 1996 and are named after the Murray Leinster story “Sidewise in Time.” The winners will be announced at Sasquan (this year’s WorldCon) on August 21. I was stunned when they notified me, and I’m honored to be included.

GenCon 2014 schedule

In just a few days I’ll be heading to Indianapolis for GenCon, the original tabletop gaming convention! It’s been a long time since I went to GenCon, and though I’ve attended as a fan and as a publisher this will be the first year I’m there as an author guest, part of the Writer’s Symposium. Here’s my schedule, if you’re looking for me:

Thursday, August 14:
11am, Room 243: Mysteries
1pm, Room 243: Monomyth Making
3pm, Room 243: Natural Speech vs. Prose Dialogue
6pm, Room 244: Purple or Poetry?
8pm, Room 244: Small-scale Adventure

Friday, August 15:
9am, Room 245: Media Tie-in Market Report
10am, Room 243: State of the Market
11am, Room 244: Care and Feeding of your Editor/Author
12pm Room 245: The Rules of Media Tie-in Fiction

Saturday, August 16:
10am, Room 243: Middle Grade: Scaring Kids
11am, Room 243: Middle Grade: Childhood Heroes
12pm, Room 243: Middle Grade: Writing to their Reading Level
3pm, Dealer Room: Signing
4pm, Room 243: What Makes It YA?
7pm, Room 243: YA: Thinking Young

Come check out my panels, or just find me and say hi!

ShoreLeave 36 schedule

Crimson Keep cover
This Friday I’ll be heading down to Hunt Valley, MD for our annual attendance at Shore Leave. If you’ve never been to this fan-run SF convention, it’s a lot of fun. It’s also where Crazy 8 Press got its start, and all but one of us will be there this year, selling books—we’re debuting our new fantasy anthology, Tales of the Crimson Keep, at the show—and meeting fans and talking on panels. Here’s my schedule, if you’re looking for me:

Friday, August 1
Salon A
Judged by Its Cover

Science Fiction Comedy

Hunt/Valley Corridor
Meet the Pros

Saturday, August 2
Salon F
Licensed vs. Novelization

Sunday, August 3
Salon E

Crazy 8 Press

Giving and Getting Good Critiques

Stop by and say hi!

New books in the works!

One of the reasons I’ve been so quiet on here is because I’ve been writing. “Writing what?” you ask. Excellent question! 🙂


My current project is Honor of the Dread Remora, the second book in my Dread Remora space opera series. I’m hoping to have the manuscript done by Labor Day, and the book out by Halloween.

After that I’ll move on to Digging Deep, my second O.C.L.T. novel–I’m going to be introducing the last members of the O.C.L.T. team and I’m very excited about that.

And then I’ll focus on something a little lighter, namely Three Small Coinkydinks, the third book in the DuckBob series. That’s right, DuckBob is back!

The goal is to have all three novels written by the end of the year–I’d love to get them all out by then as well, but we’ll see.

I’ve also got a few shorter projects in the works, both children’s books and short stories. More on those as they develop/are finalized and can be made public.

Now, back to writing!

ShoreLeave 35 schedule!

I will be at ShoreLeave down in Hunt Valley, MD this weekend, from tomorrow evening until Sunday afternoon. If you’re looking for me, here is my schedule:

7pm, Derby: Humor In Sci-Fi – Russ Colchamiro, Aaron Rosenberg, Peter David.Sometimes Sci-Fi can be downright grim. Sometimes
NOT! A look at the lighter side of S/F.

10pm, Hunt/Valley Corridor: Meet The Pros – Meet all of your favorite authors, buy books, and get autographs.

12pm, Salon F: Crazy 8 and the Terrible Twos? Two years in and this writing team is more dynamic than ever! Peter David, Bob Greenberger, Paul Kupperberg, Russ Colchamiro, Jan Michael Friedman, Steve Wilson, Aaron Rosenberg, Glenn Hauman.

2pm, Derby: Time Management for Writers – Phil Giunta, Aaron Rosenberg, Jim Johnson, Bob Greenberger, Russ Colchamiro, James Mascia

10am, Derby: Writing in Collaboration. Are two pens better than one? – Melissa Scott, Aaron Rosenberg, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Bob Greenberger, Michael Jan Friedman

11am, Derby: The New Frontier: Self- and E-Publishing – Jim Johnson, Aaron Rosenberg, Melissa Scott, Russ Colchamiro, Glenn Hauman, James Mascia, Steve Wilson

2pm, Salon E: ReDeus Anthology: The stories and their authors. – Aaron Rosenberg, Paul Kupperberg, Bob Greenberger, William Leisner, Kelly Meding, Steve Wilson, Dave Galanter, Phil Giunta, Allyn Gibson, Lorraine Anderson

Native Lands front cover

We will have copies of the latest ReDeus anthology, Native Lands, for you to admire and even buy. I’ll have copies of the first two ReDeus anthologies, Divine Tales and Beyond Borders, as well, plus copies of my space-opera novel The Birth of the Dread Remora and my OCLT novel Incursion and hopefully some No Small Bills and Too Small for Tall as well. You can also just come say hi, chat with me, pester me about when the second Dread Remora novel will be out, etc. Hope to see you there!