Yeti Left Home

Yeti Left Home
$16.95eBook: $2.99
Author: Aaron Rosenberg
Series: Twin Cities Cryptids, Book 1
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: NeoParadoxa
Publication Year: 2023
ASIN: 1949691918
ISBN: 9781949691917

Small-Town Yeti, Big-City Problems

Peaceful, unassuming Wylie Kang-a Yeti with an appreciation for more human creature comforts-lives a quiet life in his self-built sanctuary on the outskirts of Embarrass, Minnesota. But when violent dreams disturb his peace, and a series of strange murders plague the area, a Hunter comes to town, nosing after Wylie's trail.
Fleeing pursuit, Wylie packs up his truck and heads for the Twin Cities, hoping to lose himself in the urban jungle, only to find a thriving supernatural community.
Just as he begins to settle in-with the help of some new-found friends-he discovers the bloodshed has followed... as has the Hunter.
Can Wylie catch the killer, before the Hunter catches him?

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About the Book
Rosenberg's tongue-in-cheek approach charms, creating an endearing, hirsute hero. Readers are sure to be entertained.
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