All posts by Aaron Rosenberg

Novelist, children's book author, and game designer

Okay, Duck!

No Small Bills is now out in print! WAHOO!!!

Yes, I’m excited. 🙂

It’s already been doing great as an e-book—it actually hit No. 33 on the NOOK Bestseller list its first week out!—and I’m thrilled that people can now delight in DuckBob’s zany adventures in print as well.

What are you waiting for? Go buy a copy or three today!

Get ready to DUCK!

I’ve got a new novel out! And it’s a hoot!

At least I hope so, otherwise I did something wrong.

This new book’s a bit of a departure for me. Why? Because it’s funny. I think. I’ve written dryly humorous before, of course, particularly when doing Eureka, but this book is out-and-out silly. It’s crafted in the same vein as Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, esp. since it’s also a science fiction novel involving wacky aliens and trippy space travel.

It’s called No Small Bills, and its main character, DuckBob—has the head of a duck.

I told you it was silly. 🙂

It’s available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. You can also read two sample chapters FOR FREE over at Crazy 8 Press, and an interview about the book at ComicMix.

Check it out!

If I’m not working, it’s because I’m on ShoreLeave!

Yes, it’s that time of year again—this weekend I’ll be heading down to Hunt Valley, Maryland (just outside Baltimore) for the ShoreLeave convention! If you’re in the area, stop by and say hi! Here’s what my schedule looks like:

Friday, July 8:
10pm-midnight, Hunt/Valley Corridor: Meet the Pros
I’ll be here with all the other authors, just hanging out so people can say hi, get autographs, buy books, etc. I’ll have copies of Birth of the Dread Remora with me, so if you haven’t bought one yet now’s your chance!

Saturday, July 9:
11am-noon, Concierge: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level
David R. George III and I will be talking about how to make that leap forward, professionally speaking.

noon-1pm, Salon E: Crazy 8s!
Michael Jan Friedman, Bob Greenburger, Howie Weinstein, Glenn Haumann, Peter David, and I talk about our new business venture, bringing books directly to the readers who want them. Get the scoop on Peter’s book The Camelot Papers, my next novel No Small Bills, and more!

1pm-2pm, Salon E: Time Management for Professional Writers
Keith R.A. DeCandido, Richard White, David Mack, and I talk about how to balance your time, write, and maybe even still have space for a life.

3pm-4pm: Crazy 8 Writing Marathon!
We’re writing a story, round-robin style! And we’re doing it live at the con, where you can watch! Afterward we’ll offer the book for sale, and all proceeds will go to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Come and cheer us on!

4pm-5pm, Salon F: Game of Thrones
David Mack, Alan Kistler, and I talk about the books and the new hit HBO series

5pm-6pm, Concierge: Commercial vs. Self-Publishing
Kelly Meding, Rigel Ailur, Lorraine Anderson, Richard White, and I talk about the new avenues and options available to authors, including e-publishing and self-publishing.

Sunday, July 10:
11am-noon: Crazy 8 Writing Marathon!
More Crazy writing!

2pm-3pm, Salon F: From Tie-In to Original
Keith R.A. DeCandido, Christopher L. Bennett, David Mack, Dayton Ward, and I talk about making the jump from doing tie-ins to writing original fiction.

3pm-4pm, Salon F: The Scattered Earth
I’ll be talking about the Scattered Earth saga, including the Dread Remora books an other upcoming components, with special guest star Keith R.A. DeCandido!

As usual . . .

. . . I have been terrible about updating my site.

Bad author. No biscuit.

I’ve been busy, of course, but that’s no excuse–especially since I’ve been busy writing, and so should be posting about that here.


So what have I been doing?

Let’s see:

• I finished my second Eureka novel, Road Less Traveled, which will be out next March;

• The first Eureka novel, Substitution Method, came out, as did my Stargate: Atlantis novel, Hunt & Run;

• I’ve written the first two books in a new middle-grade educational series, Profiles, for Scholastic;

• I finished the first two books in my new middle-grade fiction series, Pete and Penny’s Pizza Puzzles, for Grosset & Dunlap;

• I’m still writing and playtesting the roleplaying game;

• I wrote a second iCarly novel, iSaved Your Life, for Scholastic;

• I wrote a space-opera novel, The Dread Remora, for Crossroads Press. You can read it FREE, chapter by chapter, at;

• I participated in—and WON!—NaNoWriMo for the second time ;

• I also won a Scribe Award for my first junior novel, Bandslam;

• I’ve been traveling—to the Midwest during the summer and to New Orleans for Thanksgiving.

There were a few other things I can’t post about yet. But those are the highlights for now. 🙂

The past few months . . .

. . . have been hectic, but that’s no excuse for not updating! My apologies.

So what have I been dong since August? I’ve written the first two books for my original middle-grade series, for one thing. More about those once they’re announced.

I finished the tie-in novel I was working on. It’s the first-ever novel for the SyFy Channel TV series Eureka. The title is Substitution Method. It’s written under a house name, Cris Ramsay, but don’t be fooled!

My junior novel was approved by the licensor. The book is called The Khilaian Sphere, and it’s the first book in the M’arrillian Chronicles trilogy for the TV series and card game Chaotic. I’ve had the outline for the second one approved already as well.

The roleplaying game is coming along nicely. We’re still playtesting it, and having a lot of fun with it.

I wrote a piece for the upcoming Supernatural RPG supplement, Guide to the Hunted. That should be out this Spring.

I wrote a middle-grade book for a Cartoon Network series. More about that once it’s announced.

I’ve also been working with a few friends on various collaborative projects, and trying to sell several solo original projects as well.

Next month (March), I’ll be at two conventions. First it’s LunaCon, from March 19-21. Then it’s I-Con, from March 26-28. I’ll post my schedules once I know them.

That’s about it for now!

End of August update

It’s been a busy month. I finished the junior novel, lost the two middle-grade projects (due to licensor issues) but picked up a new middle-grade series, and got halfway through the tie-in novel. I’ve also been working on a new roleplaying game–the first wholly original setting I’ve designed since Chosen, I think–and started playtesting it, plus I picked up a small assignment for an RPG supplement.

The other big thing this past month is that I signed with a literary agent. I’m now being represented by Robert L. Fleck of Professional Media Services. Bob can be reached at

Back from ShoreLeave!

I’ve been a bit remiss, but then I’ve also been both busy and away. 🙂

Anyway, I was out at Shore Leave the weekend of July 10. This is the third time I’ve gone, and it’s always been a lot of fun. I was on several panels, including ones on Doctor Who, Stargate, and writing tie-ins in general. I think my favorite, though, was the one on Writing Novels vs. Anthologies, which was sort of a practicum on how to decide where to market yourself and your writing. I always enjoy doing the practical Craft/Business of Writing panels, and they usually get a good response–this one was no exception.

Now I’m back, and it’s back to work! I’ve got two middle-grade books, a junior novel, and a tie-in novel to write, so I’d better get hopping!