PhilCon 2015

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Next weekend I will be at PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ! (I know, I know, don’t ask) If you’re attending, here is my schedule:

Fri 8:00 PM in Plaza V (Five)—Exploring the YA Landscape (2159)
Far more than just dystopian dictatorships and magical boarding schools, young adult literature has a lot to offer. Let’s take a look at some of the less-visible categories in the field.
Christine Norris (mod), Anne E. Johnson, Aaron Rosenberg, Jack Hillman, Ty Drago

Fri 11:00 PM in Plaza IV (Four)—The Changing Face of Space Opera (2169)
With the passing of Iain Banks, who is vying to take up the torch?
D.H. Aire (mod), Christie Meierz, Aaron Rosenberg, Christopher Weuve

Sat 10:00 AM in Plaza IV (Four)—The Frustration of Incomplete Series (2174)
Think of those last books that never come out. Why does this happen? Is there any good response to this situation, or are we stuck going crazy?
Aaron Rosenberg (mod), D. Renee Bagby, Ty Drago, Jack Hillman

Sat 12:00 PM in Plaza IV (Four)—Modern Myth-Making (2136)

How to adapt old myths and create new ones. What makes a belief system appropriate for a world?
Tobias Cabral (mod), Sally Wiener Grotta, Mitchell Gordon, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Aaron Rosenberg, Gail Z. Martin

Sat 4:00 PM in Plaza IV (Four)—Writing in Shared Universes (2131)
How do you handle building story arcs and developing characters when you’re not solely in charge of a world? What changes when you’re working with others at a professional level?
Michael A. Ventrella (mod), Dina Leacock, T. Patrick Snyder, Mike McPhail, Catt Kingsgrave, Keith R.A. DeCandido
[Note that I am not officially on this panel, but I plan to crash it. Hard.]

Sat 5:00 PM in Plaza II (Two)—Things You Should Read (But Don’t Know About Yet) (2226)
Not every amazing book is a best-seller. Whether it’s an unsung classic or a recent author, come talk about the fiction you’ve found that, strangely, nobody else seems to be talking about.
Fran Wilde (mod), Dena Heilik, Joseph Berenato, Alex Shvartsman
[Not on this one either, but will probably either crash it or attend it]

Sat 5:00 PM in Plaza IV (Four)—Getting Them While They Are Young (2135)
Creating SF&F aimed at kids and teens presents a different set of problems from writing for adults. The majority of science fiction is serious and brainy, and much of it is quite complex. Children respond better to simpler ideas presented with a sense of fun, while teens are easily bored, overcome by hormones, and desperate to fit in with their peers. This panel explores tricks to writing SF&F that appeals to kids and teens, as well as analyzing outstanding examples of books, films, and TV shows that draw in younger generations.
Jim Stratton (mod), D.H. Aire, Christine Norris, Anne E. Johnson, Dina Leacock, Gary Feldbaum
[If I don’t go to the Things You Should Read panel, I’ll be at this one]

Sat 6:00 PM in Plaza III (Three)—Small Press Magazine Panel (2121)
Hear what the editors have to say.
Hildy Silverman (mod), Ty Drago, Neil Clarke, Brian Koscienski, Gordon Linzner, Julie Ann Dawson
[Might attend this one]

Sat 7:00 PM-9:00 PM in Executive Suite 823—”The Side of Good / The Side of Evil” Launch Party, two hours (2286)
eSpec Books editors and authors celebrate the release of this nostalgic superhero/supervillain flipbook anthology.
Danielle Ackley-McPhail (mod), Neal Levin, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Gail Z. Martin, James Chambers, Walt Ciechanowski
Mike McPhail (mod), Jason Whitley, Aaron Rosenberg, Drew Bittner

Sun 11:00 AM in Crystal Ballroom Three—The Changing Face of Publishing (2123)
How is it moving away from the conventional New York publishing scene? There are so many alternatives today (Crowd-sourcing, small presses, independent publishers and non-print electronics) Will the big publishers be left in the lurch?
Sally Wiener Grotta (mod), Russ Colchamiro, Joseph Berenato, Alex Shvartsman
[Not on this panel but will probably crash it.]

Sun 1:00 PM in Crystal Ballroom Three—How to Sell Your Fiction (2122)
So you have a finally finished a story. What are the main markets? Who do you want to avoid?
Hildy Silverman (mod), Alex Shvartsman, Barbara A. Barnett, Neil Clarke, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Robert E. Waters
[Might crash or attend]

Sun 2:00 PM in Plaza IV (Four)—Avoiding Contract Nightmares (2177)
How to navigate the legalese in a publishing contract and recognize what constitutes a red flag…or a giant blinking neon “DO NOT ENTER” marquee.
D. Renee Bagby (mod), Suzanne Rosin, Bernie Mojzes
[Great topic, might crash or attend]

I’ll also have books for sale in the dealer’s room, courtesy of my buddy and fellow Crazy 8 member Russ Colchamiro, and the rest of the time I’ll just be wandering around, hanging out, etc. So find me and say hi!

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