Origins schedule

This weekend (June 13-16, 2013) I’ll be at the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio. Here’s my schedule if you’re there and want to find me:

Aaron Rosenberg
Origins 2013 schedule

10am Room B (C223) Hey! I’ve got a day job! – not officially on this one but planning to crash it anyway
2pm Mayfair Room (D130-132) Family Business (game) – come game with me!

10am Room A (C222) Networking (a.k.a. making friends over a pint)
11am Room A (C222) The Myth of Writer’s Block – not officially on it, may crash it or just sit and listen

Saturday Room
10am Room A (C222) Good Guys Wear Black Hats
11am Room A (C222) Writing the Trilogy – not officially on it, may crash it or just sit and listen
Noon Room A (C222) A Rose By Any Other Name …
3pm Room A (C222) Self-Publishing – not officially on it but planning to crash anyway

10am Room A (C222) The Art of the Short Story OR Room B (C223) Everything you wanted to know about Urban Fantasy – since I’m not actually on either of these I might crash one or the other or neither.
11am Room A (C222) Writing Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction
1pm Room A (C222) Writing Your First Novel – I am on this one but I may have to miss it in order to catch my flight. 🙁

The rest of the time I’ll either by at my table in the Author Alley or wandering the dealer’s hall or hanging out somewhere. I’ll be selling No Small Bills, Too Small for Tall, Birth of the Dread Remora, Incursion (the all-new hardcover), ReDeus: Divine Tales, and ReDeus: Beyond Borders, and of course I’ll be happy to sign them or any of my other books you might bring along. Hope to see people there!

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