I’ve been remiss

I know, I know. I’ve been busy, and it shows–not only have I failed to update regularly of late, but I’ve had four more books come out since No Small Bills! Here they are:

Incursion: This is my first novel in the O.C.L.T. series, which I created with my buddy David Niall Wilson and kicked off with my novella “Brought to Light.” Think X-Files, Fringe, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Men in Black, etc.–it’s an occult action-thriller about an FBI agent (the same character from “Brought to Light”) who goes to a reservation to investigate a strange death and discovers some decidedly unnatural elements.

Knight of the Starborne: This is a middle-grade book from Actionopolis, about a man and his daughter who discover a bizarre meteorite while on a camping trip–and it gives them unearthly powers! But others are after the meteorite, and now Edgar and Marie have to deal with them before it’s too late!

Tales of the Far West: This is an anthology of stories set in the Far West world, as detailed by the Far West roleplaying game. My story, “In Silence, Music,” shares space with work from buddies like Matt Forbeck and Jason Blair and Eddy Webb and of course Far West creator Gareth-Michael Skarka, plus a lot of other cool writers like Chuck Wendig and Scott Lynch.

For This Is Hëll: My latest, co-written with my friend and cohort Steven Savile, this is a spooky little tale of intrigue, seduction, madness, myth, magic, theater . . . and Marlowe. Yes, that Marlowe. Read it, and discover there’s more to the famed playwright than anyone ever realized. Right now this is only available for the NOOK, but in another month it will be out on the Kindle as well.

Note that none of these are humorous, but if you’re eager for more in the same vein as No Small Bills, don’t worry! I’m actually hard at work on the sequel, Too Small for Tall, so DuckBob and his pals will return to amuse you once more! 🙂

3 thoughts on “I’ve been remiss”

  1. I just read your story in Tales of the Far West. It’s amazing! I’ll be buying some of your books now. Thank you so much for the joy you’ve brought this reader.

  2. Thanks, Naomi! I’m really glad you enjoyed it–I would actually love to do more stories about Melodious Flight, or just more stories set in the Far West setting in general. In the meantime, I hope you like my other books!

  3. Hi, I saw you sent me a message and viewed my site on linked in, but you didn’t leave me a email address to respond!

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