The Birth of the Dread Remora

My first original novel is now out and available! It’s a swashbuckling space-opera called The Birth of The Dread Remora, and it was released by Crossroad Press. You can buy it on Amazon, B&, Smashwords, and other sites, as well as from Crossroad directly. The book is only available as an e-pub at the moment, but an uncut audiobook version is on the way, and print will follow. Go check it out!

3 thoughts on “The Birth of the Dread Remora”

  1. At around this time fifteen years ago, you came up with Asylum. I was wondering if you had any interest in a second edition using a currently popular gaming system like Savage Worlds? If so, I would be interested in being a part of that.

  2. Hi, Jeff! Thanks for remembering Asylum–I’ve always liked that game. And yes, I am actually planning on doing a second edition. I haven’t decided yet if I’m sticking with the original system or going with something like Savage Worlds, though. I might have to do it both ways–either create a Savage Worlds edition and a Luck of the Draw edition, or just include conversion rules to Savage Worlds in the back. I’ll keep you posted!

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