The past few months . . .

. . . have been hectic, but that’s no excuse for not updating! My apologies.

So what have I been dong since August? I’ve written the first two books for my original middle-grade series, for one thing. More about those once they’re announced.

I finished the tie-in novel I was working on. It’s the first-ever novel for the SyFy Channel TV series Eureka. The title is Substitution Method. It’s written under a house name, Cris Ramsay, but don’t be fooled!

My junior novel was approved by the licensor. The book is called The Khilaian Sphere, and it’s the first book in the M’arrillian Chronicles trilogy for the TV series and card game Chaotic. I’ve had the outline for the second one approved already as well.

The roleplaying game is coming along nicely. We’re still playtesting it, and having a lot of fun with it.

I wrote a piece for the upcoming Supernatural RPG supplement, Guide to the Hunted. That should be out this Spring.

I wrote a middle-grade book for a Cartoon Network series. More about that once it’s announced.

I’ve also been working with a few friends on various collaborative projects, and trying to sell several solo original projects as well.

Next month (March), I’ll be at two conventions. First it’s LunaCon, from March 19-21. Then it’s I-Con, from March 26-28. I’ll post my schedules once I know them.

That’s about it for now!

4 thoughts on “The past few months . . .”

  1. Hey Aaron!

    Thank you so much for the first of hopefully many Eureka books! It was a great and entertaining read and I can’t wait for the next one! Eureka is my drug of choice. I can’t do without it. It is either the DVD’s or your book or the comics that Andy Cosby put out through his Boom Studios. It is something I have to have. Keep up the good work!

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