Back from ShoreLeave!

I’ve been a bit remiss, but then I’ve also been both busy and away. 🙂

Anyway, I was out at Shore Leave the weekend of July 10. This is the third time I’ve gone, and it’s always been a lot of fun. I was on several panels, including ones on Doctor Who, Stargate, and writing tie-ins in general. I think my favorite, though, was the one on Writing Novels vs. Anthologies, which was sort of a practicum on how to decide where to market yourself and your writing. I always enjoy doing the practical Craft/Business of Writing panels, and they usually get a good response–this one was no exception.

Now I’m back, and it’s back to work! I’ve got two middle-grade books, a junior novel, and a tie-in novel to write, so I’d better get hopping!

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