Hello, world!

Hi, welcome to my site! Feel free to browse–I’ve got information about myself, my books, my upcoming appearances, and my other creative projects. Say hi while you’re at it, and thanks for stopping by!

6 thoughts on “Hello, world!”

  1. So where IS the info about “[your]self, [your] books, [your] upcoming
    appearances, and [your] other creative projects”?
    If there’s a link somewhere, it’s not easy to find.
    Charles S. Harris
    webmaster, The Nurture Assumption website
    webmaster, No Two Alike website
    ringleader, Middletown [NJ] Public Library Science-Fiction
    Book & Movie Group

  2. Sorry, the links are at the bottom of the page. I may be changing the site design soon, though, to move them to the top where they’re more readily visible.

  3. oh! you’re guy that made Chosen, right? i absolutely love that game! i really like the way it’s rules are so open and ready for interpretation and change. it allows one to make any type of campaign with the system.
    i am actually converting some of the rules to better fit a Halo based campaign at the moment. it has so far been even easier than i expected. i wish i could find some printable character sheets though. my scanner is old
    anyway, thank you for making Chosen! ^-^

  4. Hi, Maggi, I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying Chosen! Did you ever find character sheets? If not, let me know–I can put up a PDF of them for you.

  5. No i ended up using the library scanner. lol!
    the campaign i had planned to run last year never happened sadly. so the character sheets have been just sitting around until yesterday when i finally got a group together. the campaign concept is much different this time but everyone seems to be enjoying it.
    i have spent soooo many hours designing and drawing aliens i want to be in the universe (some intelligent some primal) but the time appears to be paying off.
    have you ever considered making another version of this game?

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